Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I'll do the PrompTuesday (gawsh I hope there is one! I forgot about it last week. Sorry!!) in a second.

but FIRST! WOW! Thanks for all of the comments on the minivan! We haven't named it yet. We're still looking for the 'perfect fit.' Any suggestions? Our other car is a diesel Ram 2500. Yes, we use it like a truck should be - we tow with it. It's giant. A beast. And named 'Big Blue.'

Minivan Review: I expected to be okay with it, and like the room, but honestly, I like it. That feels a little dirty coming from the mouth that hated minivans, and swore up and down I'd never own one. I LOVE the fact that I can click a button and the door opens, I don't have to juggle bags and kid and junk in order to open the door and get him in. I LOVE the radio, and the navigation, and the memory seats. OOOH, the memory seats. When there is 14 inches between the two drivers, that is a luxury. No longer do we have to spend so much time dilly dallying with the mechanics. We click the unlock button on our respective FOB, and when we get in, everything is ready for us. Nice.

Welcome to the NCLM readers. I apologize that the whole "minivan" issue is what is on the table. I promise that I do have some other, better, stuff to read. Seriously, peruse. Don't make a comment on the minivans. And, I feel terribly insensitive also, because many of where many of you are coming from, and the fact that I'm WHINING about needing a larger car for my children. I am praying for all of my bloggy buddies who want babies!

Someday, when I feel up to it. I'll post about the rollercoaster that we went through to have Little Monster. :) Maybe someday soon.


Ashlee said...

I'm glad you love your van. You will love it even more after having another child. Juggling two kids is quite a feat! :0)

Vanessa said...

Ahhh... the only thing I am really jealous of is the memory seats. :) Glad you have a positive outlook on it.