Thursday, May 29, 2008


I spent some time today 'weeding' my reader.

I hated to do it. But people, I've got to have a LIFE, or else I won't have anything to blog about. There's nothing more boring than a blogger who can only blog about blogging. So I did it. I clicked 'unsubscribe.' I feel a little better for it.

I'm still going to share the love with all my doogs. But folks, unless I really really loved you, and you don't share all of your bloggy love to those of us using a reader, You might have gotten the axe. (Not really.)

I feel like a mean and cranky person today! Seriously, I just got rid of some ooooooold pages. Ones that rarely posted. I wouldn't get rid of YOU! But getting rid of the blogs that don't post brought my subscriptions down to a very manageable. 107. Don't tell my husband about that number. Please don't. He'll die.

This post sounds way mean. I'm sorry. I didn't unsubscribe from you. I really didn't. I promise! I unsubscribed from someone else!


Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Sometimes you gotta cull that list. I'm going through a rethinking of my blogging/blog reading life myself.

Why, oh why do I feel guilty about the thought of NOT blogging for a day (or six)?

Sara said...

Its all good... I will still read you.. :)

Don Mills Diva said...

I'm gonna go ahead and take your word for that...

Anonymous said...

DOOG! Thanks for sharin' the love!

I know what you mean -- I've been feeling guilty because I can't get to all the bloggers I love (like you) lately -- the list is WAAAY unmanageable.

As for your Tweet ... I vote for Schmitty. I have no idea why -- it just seemed to suit your van :)

Ashlee said...

Wow...that's a lot of blogs to keep up with. I'd be at the computer ALL DAY. I already feel like I am. I don't blame you for weeding a few out. If I'm not on your list....I understand.....not really....but I'll still visit! :0)

Marmite Breath said...

that's why I don't have a public blogroll.....I cull too quickly!

PS) D'you want to come and be my Relocation Assistant when I move to Norfolk??

San Diego Momma/Two Funny Brains said...

You mean AFTER the weeding you went down to 107?

Weed away, baby! I'm in the same boat...
