Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday Fun!

I don't remember where I found this... But, yeah. Let's just say in the 1930's, it was a LOT easier to be a good husband that it was to be a good wife...
We took this test several times, We each took the test as we viewed ourselves, then we took the test to see how we view each other.
So. My scores:


As a 1930s wife, I am

Take the test!

As Not the Momma Views me:


As a 1930s wife, I am

Take the test!

I think my low score has something to do with my stocking feet, and then there's that problem with how I don't ask permission before planning things...

My view of Not the Momma:


As a 1930s husband, I am
Very Superior

Take the test!

His view of himself:


As a 1930s husband, I am
Very Superior

Take the test!

So, Apparently, I think a bit more of Not the Momma than he does of himself... But then, he is a pretty good guy. And, me, I'm a lazy slob. You already knew that though!
How do YOU rate as a 1930's spouse? How does your spouse rate? Take the test and let me know. Or just take the test and laugh at the questions. Either way. Have fun!


Vanessa said...

Haahahahhahahahaaah! I got an 18!!!

As a 1930s wife, I am
Very Poor (Failure)

Oh dear, I guess it's good that it's 2008!

Steve and Eden said...

Cool quiz. I can't get the code to paste completely/correctly. Oh well.

Alison said...

I think this was rigged. :) My evaluation of DH was a Very Superior too and I got an Average.