Friday, September 07, 2007

What? WHAT?

So. I'm not sure HOW MUCH about the Navy I'm allowed to complain about... But we are due to move to Monterey CA in about 90 days. Three months. We have September, October, and November. Mid-December is when we should be moving. Do we have orders? No. Do we have hopes of orders? We thought so. Until my dear husband got a call from his detailer asking for his "emergency contact" information. Usually they only ask for that if they are about to make modifications to orders. In a bad way. Like, we WERE going to send you to beautiful Monterey for two years of college and a Master's Degree. BUT someone said you were too good at your job where you're at. Your stuck buck-O! Okay, so perhaps I'm going a bit overboard. Things I need to think about.

1. Some Detailers are stupid. This guy may have just thought he needed that stuff to write the orders out.
2. You have to HAVE orders to before you can MODIFY orders, right? Since he doesn't actually have orders, they can't actually change them...

In other words, once again, we have no freakin' clue what the heck is going on. We don't know where we are going to be living in six months, and we have no idea what to do about it. Only this time, there are 7000 miles between us, and it kind of sucks.

Note to my husband: (who may or may not be reading this.) Please do not feel that because I am blogging about this that I am suffering undue stress. I realize you weren't going to tell me about this because you think I stress. Virtually no one reads this (except people I know) blog, so there's no worries. I like to vent. And Dramatize. So stop worrying about me. Keep harassing your detailer. ;)

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

You crack me up. :)