Sunday, September 16, 2007

A Mother's Guilt

The baby chipped his tooth. How? He fell. I don't know the details, because I was putting dirty laundry in the hamper. He cried, so I came in and he was laying on his back on the floor. I have no idea what he fell into, or what he hit. It was at this moment that I felt I truly deserved the world's greatest mother award. Can you sense my sarcasm? When I picked him up to love him, I noticed he had a little blood in his mouth. Just a little. He cried for all of 30 seconds. Thirty minutes later, I was tickling him on the floor and he did one of those big open mouth laughs, and I realized that there was a chip in one of his little formerly perfect teeth. I wasn't too worried about it. Then I talked to my mom, who said I should still call the doctor. So I called them. The nurse line called me back, and said that I needed to have him seen TODAY. Apparently, a chipped tooth is a bigger deal than I had thought it was. So NOW I am waiting for the on call dentist to call me back. Has my mommy instict failed me? I am getting more worried by the minute. This is crazy, especially considering he cries harder and longer when I tell him NO than he did when he fell. Not to mention, he is napping, so I have nothing to keep my mind off of how easily his tooth chipped. Is it because I am not giving him enough "good" food to eat? Did I not drink enough milk or have a high enough calcium intake when I was pregnant? In those early months when I was BF?

**Update** The dentist called and all is good. I just need to look for signs of infection. His tooth might change colors, but she said that would be normal. I do need to bring him in for his regular visit after he's one though. She also said it is VERY VERY VERY common for small babies and toddlers to chip their teeth when they are learning how to walk. So. Perhaps I can package up my mommy guilt until another day.

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