New things:
- He says "getchoo getchoo getchoo" and hides behind furniture when he wants one of us to get him and tickle him.
- He grabs his blanket and his bear when he gets up in the morning and brings them with him.
- If he's tired, he'll bring you his bear/blanket as if to say "take me to bed."
- He "clears" his tray when he's done eating using a sign I taught him.
- He knows generally where his milk is and how to ask for it. (screams at the door to the kitchen).
- Steals things off of store shelves. (not really steal, but removes and deposits on the floor.)
Things he no longer does:
- Cries for hours at bedtime
- Blows raspberry's after he sneezes
- He no longer walks. He runs.
- Allows me to leave his shoes on. He pulls the velcro off in the car.
- He no longer is tricked by having something hidden from him
I guess, he is generally growing up. Even though we're still a few weeks off from his first birthday, it's a bit depressing. His birthday party is this weekend (we're out of the country closer to his birthday), and I don't know that I'm really looking forward to it. I'm not ready for this mileston. I'm not ready to be able to feed my baby whole milk, peanut products, and allow him to just walk around. But then, life isn't about being ready for those things, because when you're a mom, you never are. Life is about living through those things, cherishing them and moving on. ::sigh::
This made me get tears in my eyes. I can't believe the babies are growing up. It seems like yesterday we were all meeting and feeling our babies move for the first time. Now our boys are running. It goes too fast.
Awww! Your post made me want to cry. I am so emotional about Cayla turning one. This year has flown by! *Hugs*
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