Tuesday, February 03, 2009

The Sickness

We have been really lucky in our household. I can count on one hand the number of times our Little Monster has been sick enough that we've spent days inside watching movies, eating comfort food and avoiding the outside world.

Little Monster has a cough. And a fever. And a runny nose. This has been going on for a few days. It means he has returned to land of children who nap, but that he doesn't go to bed as easily. He also wakes up earlier. But he hasn't been up in the middle of the night more than once.

I feel just a smidgen guilty enjoying the fact that my normally insane child who won't stop running and playing long enough to hug his mom has spent the better part of two days in my lap while we snuggle under covers and watch movies. Just a smidgen. I know it won't last and before I know it he'll be wearing me out again. Following behind me as I clean undoing everything I have done. Demanding PB&J sandwiches, Nemo or Batman snacks, and Juice at every turn.

I know he's on the way to mending because he's getting into the crabby/naughty phase. Just in time for nice 65 degree weather to leave us and for the clouds, cool and fog to return, keeping us inside. Isn't that how life works though?


Sara said...

Boys are such cuddlers like that. Mady, when she is sick, well she is just mean and whiney.

Not the Momma said...

I thought you were going to talk about "Disturbed"

also, what is up with the 20 letter verification:(

Lisa said...

I love those moments. I always know when my oldest is sick because she gets really sweet. Total giveaway for when she is faking it.