Wednesday, November 12, 2008

He's a catch, mine husband.

Lately I've been feeling a mixture of guilt and depression. I know a majority of it is hormones. The rest of it, well, anyone would feel depressed. My house looks like a tornado went through followed by a hurricane and a tsunami. I'm spending most of my mornings in the bathroom ridding myself of the terrible toxins I've put into my stomach - food and drink - while yelling at Little Monster to stay out of the bathroom. I don't want him watching that. My husband is doing all of the work around here, even though he's the one that goes to work every day. It sucks that I am not doing more. Add all of that to the hormones, and you've got one brain working on overdrive.

So yesterday, when he came home from running some errands, I was thrown off when he brought me a gift. It was a new pair of pajamas.

Get your mind out of the gutter. Not that kind of pajamas. A warm snuggly pair of shirt/pants pajamas that's all pretty pink with stripes and silk edging. Yummy, nice, make a gal feel loved type of pajamas.

See what I mean? He's a catch. And I love him.

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

You are a lucky lady. :0)