Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Just to Entertain you...

I haven't felt much like blogging lately. I have nothing to say. Nothing witty, nothing important, well, nothing important that I want to tell anyone. Don't know why... So, until I come up with something worth sharing.. Watch my kid be crazy...

Here he is dancing like a fool. Leapfrog sure makes that ABC song sound Jazzy!

Here he is giving Daddy a kiss:


Vanessa said...
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Vanessa said...

So he knows where to touch to make it play his song. Too cute!
I love that he sat in the dog's head in the second one! Funny!

Yeah, I had to delete my comment after looking at it. Bad grammar, and I don't want to start a fight! If I missed anything else, to bad, live with it!

Momma Mary said...

I didn't ever notice that he landed on the dog's head. Of course, I noticed at the time, but not when I posted the image... And I probably should have edited the video a bit better... Especially because my voice is TERRIBLE!!