Saturday, June 30, 2007

The World Traveler Baby...

We have spent the last few days on an airplane traveling the world... We are visiting Daddy!! Yay!! We have tried to stay on the same schedule, but sometimes I wonder if the fact that it is the middle of the night here when it is afternoon at home isn't screwing the poor kid up... Could it be that he is getting his cues from the sun even though we are rarely outside?? We tend to go out during our "morning" which is late evening... So it does get dark out... But for the rest of the time we are inside.. So does it really matter?? I am trying to keep him on his normal schedule with meals, naps, etc. Will he get cues from that? Or is he as confused as me? OH well.

He did great on the plane. His only big "cry fit" was the last 40 minutes or so. Since we were either in airports or on airplanes for over 24 hours, I'm thinking that I'm pretty lucky. He only needed a dum-dum pop a couple of times. Otherwise he slept, played peekaboo with the gentleman behind me and flirted with the flight attendents...

His biggest flirt moment was at Starbucks at the mall when a local gal asked to hold him.. He was loving it.. even though he removed her head covering... Daddy and I were a bit embarrassed about that. She didn't mind though. Just laughed and fixed it. I guess a baby with big blue eyes can get away with a lot in the middle-east. So far the weather hasn't been too terribly hot. Nothing above 103, although when we were getting ready to land the pilot did announce that it had been 123 degrees.

Our biggest "family" adventure was the trip to the mall. (Same trip as mentioned above.) If you think traffic is bad anywhere... Um, you need to come here. It took us about an hour to get from the ENTRANCE of the mall to a parking spot. Oh well. We are still looking for a cheap baby monitor... so if you know where to get one of those on this island, please let me know!

As for now, I apologize for how poorly this post is written. My mind is a bit fragmented as I'm trying to deal with working on two different time zones.

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