Wednesday, June 20, 2007

New Years Resolution Revisited...

Every once in a while I go back and look through my old blog entries to see what kind of boring stuff I am posting out there for the world to see.. (And to make sure I'm not accidentally giving any kind of info I don't necessarily want out there... ) Today I did that and I found my New Years Resolution Post. I suppose I can let you know what has and hasn't been done....

  1. Figure out a routine for the daytime. Include "office hours" when I will work, and "play time" for the little guy. The days might be slightly different, but there needs to be some sort of order. For my kid's sake!
  2. Get the little man out of my bed and into his own bassinet, followed by his own crib (once it warms up enough. I also would like to get him back to sleeping through the night.
  3. Get my room organized. (this one is the most likely to be broken.)

Okay... Number 1. Figure out routine? Done! yay! Office hours.. Well, those are from 9pm until 1am... while the baby is sleeping soundly and I, though I may try cannot. I also do some work in the mornings while the baby plays happily between meals.. We have figured out a pretty regular schedule of meals, snacks and bedtimes... They are about to be all messed up on vacation, but hopefully we'll work it out. Number 2. The baby is sleeping in his crib for a HUGE majority of the night, most nights. When we are camping he sleeps with me for convenience, and when he wakes up in the mornings I nurse him in bed hoping he'll go back to sleep. He usually does for about 30 to 45 minutes. Then we're up for the day. SOOO.. YAY!! Oh Oh, and He's sleeping through the night as of Monday! Whoo hoo!! Number 3. Get my room organized. I did that. Once. In March. It worked. For a day. Sortof. Now my room has exploded into the basement. I hope to have it all taken care of by the time I leave on Saturday *cough, cough* It has to happen, otherwise I'll be mortified because my mother will come down here and clean it for me...

All in all, I think I've done pretty good. I'm a slob, and I knew that number 3 was a long shot... But really, it isn't so much mess as disorganization and lack of space to put things.. I have a 4 bedroom home in two bedrooms and a living room.... It doesn't always work out. How has everyone else done on theirs? Has anyone been hugely successful?? (Mine were lame... the first two were bound to happen at some point, even with little intervention from me.)

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