Monday, July 02, 2007

New Developments....

The baby has learned what the word NO means. He doesn't like it. Not. One. Bit. He has also learned that perhaps he should cry when someone tells him "No." Why? I don't know. Perhaps because after I give him my firm "NO" you cannot (insert one of the following: stick your finger in that electrical plug, take the tray off your booster seat spreading cheerios throughout the room, play with the toilet scrubber, etc.), after he sticks out his lip and starts to do his "fake" cry... I begin to laugh. I can't help it. It's funny. I know there is nothing wrong with him. I'm not even certain I've hurt his feelings. I just know that he looks at me, flashes his blue eyes as if to say "Mommy, why would you demand such a terrible thing?" throws his head back for extra drama and the wails begin. I'm waiting for the day I tell him NO and he just lays down and throws a tantrum. I know that while I laugh now, eventually this will not be so cute and funny. So, please Lord... Help me to stop smiling and laughing when my son decides to show off his theatrical side. In other news he's growing two new teeth. He has two teeth cutting through next to his two front teeth. So Daddy is getting to experience the full blown fun that is teething baby. Well, technically not. He has to go to work.. So I'm stuck in the apartment with the screaming baby all night, but eventually Daddy will have a day off. Just in time for the major pain of teething to be over I'm sure. :) Now I must go take care of the ringing in my right ear. Really it is a baby screaming. He is throwing another one of his tantrums. You see, he's not allowed to play with the computer mouse. So, he's standing up, arms resting on my arm, laying his head to one side and crying.. Every once throwing his head back for dramatic effect, or stopping to catch his breath. Perhaps it is naptime.

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