Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Unfairness, Sickness and other fun things that are life

My husband said.. "It's not fair. I just got here." I agree. He just got here and now he's gone again. We had a great time while he was here. My sister's wedding went really well. It was an absolute blast. She looked sooo beautiful. I hope the pictures the photographer took came out as well as everything looked in person. I hope that we got a few good pics of the two of us. Our weekend was really not long enough... By the time we got through with family obligations, and the wedding there were really only a few hours for the three of us, and really it seemed minutes for just the two of us. Monday was our only day as a family. We spent it well. We had a fairly "normal" day in the life of the baby and I.. only Dad was around to witness it. We got up, went back to napping, went to swimming lessons, ran some errands, etc. Daddy got to witness something first! Normally you would think that since I am around all of the time that I would see all of his firsts.. Daddy watched the baby go from sitting to crawling and THEN back to sitting again. That is a new development. He saw it twice before I did. So at least he got to witness a first when it really was a first.

The other first he got to be around for was the first illness. The baby got some baby crud virus over the weekend and has had a fever for quite a while. Apparently herpangina.. Hand Foot and Mouth Disease. Something I didn't know much about. I have gone over and over in my head where he could have gotten it.. I am guessing it was either at the gym daycare on Friday, or from one of the billions of public places and things he has been at and touched. Grocery carts, restaurant tables and high chairs... The doctor says no matter what you do they are bound to get it at some point. He has had a fever since Monday after swimming lessons. We are giving him a mix of benadryl and maalox to ease the pain from the sores that have grown in the back of his mouth. He hasn't eaten much, but is still thirsty and likes to nurse. Soo, hopefully soon he will be healthy and back to his happier self. I did ask the doctor, because "herp" is in the name if it is related to herpes or anything like that (since I get cold sores and have had one recently) and she confirmed that it was NOT related and it wasn't anything I gave to him. I was very relieved to hear that because I would fee horrible forever if I passed that piece of me on to my son so early.

The husband should be landing any moment now. I miss him terribly already. Just thinking about him being gone again makes me feel sick. That actually also relieves me a bit. Yesterday as I was dropping him off at the airport we discussed how "easy" it had become to just dump him off at the airport/base/ship/wherever without batting an eyelash. After he said that I felt guilty for not feeling sad enough that he was leaving. I wonder... is it a bad thing that we are getting used to being separated? We are going to have to learn how to live with each other again once we get to California. Except now we have another whole person living with us, so it will be different. We have to learn how to be parents together. Usually I just have to give up some control over household things, and he has to re-learn how talk to someone who isn't giving or recieving orders. This time we'll have a whole new lesson to deal with. Sometimes I wonder if we'll survive it. We should, after all we have survived four moves, three states, two six month deployments and one year of separation.

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