Monday, April 02, 2007

April Fools

So.. I am a mean mean person. I took this photo:

One I took mm.. In Feb of last year, and turned it into this photo:

Then I posted the latter on my flickr account and made it out like I was Preggo again.. I admit I stole the idea from a friend (or two). My husband hasn't found it yet. I am DYING waiting for his reaction. I am sure he'll just laugh it off as the photoshop-work isn't my best, but I didn't want it to look TOO real. Don't need him having a heart attack while he's on the other side of the world. At any rate.. This is the first real April Fools Joke I've done in a while... I am about ready to give it away because I am so impatient!!! I will update you on the results!

1 comment:

Momma Mary said...

My stupid husband didn't even see the joke until it was too late.. grr.. all my efforts wasted!