Friday, June 05, 2009

Name Change?

So.... Everyone around here seems to think that Shortcake is not such a good nickname for our little baby girl. Not because she isn't a cute little shortcake that I want to eat up with strawberries and whipped cream. Who wouldn't want to eat this cute little morsel?

The problem lies in that when Little Monster tries to pronounce her name, it comes out sounding a lot more like "butterball" than her real name. So. Everyone thinks her blog name should be Butterball. I feel badly for the poor girl, because surely that's a nickname that is going to stick, making Junior High a million times worse than it already was destined to be. So. Tell me, what do you think? Should we rename Shortcake to Butterball??


Ashlee said...

She is adorable!

Not the Momma said...

I vote for Butterball:)

Unknown said...

Our Aidan is ButterCup (or Cup of Butter). Butterball is cute

tami said...

You can tell her I encouraged it! I love Butterball!

Vanessa said...

Turkey? I dunno. I call Elinor boobie. Why? I don't know. :)

Steve and Eden said...

I think Shortcake would be much nicer. I know I certainly would not appreciate being called Butterball on my mom's blog.

Kristi said...

Uh oh, asking for other opinions on names is dangerous! Even nicknames! Butterball would certainly be embarrassing, possibly long before high school. Maybe as early as kindergarten. But you can't let others sway you!